Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sorry everyone that it's been so long since I've last written. Work has kept me busy. Like 11 hour days. The perks of working late are dinner from a choice of hundreds of restraunts that deliver and if you work late into the evening, you can get a car service home. By car service I mean a driver in a Lincoln Towncar, not a taxi-cab driver by Achmed. 

Otherwise, it's a busy time with deadlines this month, driven by judges who want to move litigation along. Firm is in the midst of lots of projects. But although the hours are late, and i don't see much of my apartment (i'm glad i'm not paying for cable) the team of people is second to none. We all work hard and if a project needs to get done, everyone stays late. 

I did get an ATT tilt phone. It's a neat little toy. 

But most importantly: TIZZY comes tomorrow!

Now back to getting the apartment ready for her..


Monster Librarian said...

YEAH! I am glad that Tizzy gets to come and visit. Have fun! Glad you like your new job!!

tizzy said...

I'm waiting for new posts!

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